Sebastian Lopienski
29/10/2009, 09:00
CERN hosts a large number of Web sites (CERN-related, but also private), both on central Web Services, as well as on machines managed by particular Web site owners. Some of these Web sites are actually interactive Web applications developed with languages like PHP, ASP, Java, Perl, Python etc. - and unavoidably a fraction of them have bugs making them vulnerable to attacks such as Cross Site...
Maarten Litmaath
29/10/2009, 09:30
Network, Security
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) infrastructure has been built up
for the storage and analysis of the very large data volumes that will be
recorded by the LHC experiments. Its existing security mechanisms and
policies are foreseen to evolve in various respects, for example with an
increasing use of virtual machines, pilot jobs, clouds, enhancements to
data storage and access...