Ulrich Schwickerath
26/10/2009, 15:30
Between March and August 2009 a project has been set up at CERN with
the aim to evaluate possibilities to use virtualization at a large scale, with
the focus on batch computing. Two key issues have been identified for this specific
application: the placing of virtual machines on an appropriate hyper-visor, and the
selection of an appropriate image which should be driven by the actual...
Chadwick Keith
26/10/2009, 16:00
The current virtualization infrastructure in use within FermiGrid and the operational experience will be presented.
Brent Draney
26/10/2009, 16:30
NERSC and the Argonne LCF have been funded by DOE to acquire test systems to explore cloud computing technologies. We present an overview of the Cloud Computing Project at NERSC.