25 July 2007 to 1 August 2007
Karlsruhe University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Nonlinear gauge fixing for FeynArts

31 Jul 2007, 15:20
Gaede-Auditorium (Karlsruhe University)


Karlsruhe University

Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Parallel Talk Colliders - Susy Phenomenology Colliders - Susy Phenomenology 9 (Theory)


Thomas Gajdosik (Fizikos Institutas and Vilnius University)


Nonlinear gauge fixing is used for checking the internal consistencies of automated calculations. We implement the nonlinear gauge fixing, as proposed by Boudjema and Chopin, into FeynArts. We have to modify not only the model files, but also the Lorentz.gen file, as the nonlinear gauge fixing introduces terms that are not contained in the standard form for the vertices. We check our modifications by checking amplitudes analytically and by performing tree level and one loop calculations.

Primary authors

Jurgis Pasukonis (Vilnius University) Thomas Gajdosik (Fizikos Institutas and Vilnius University)

Presentation materials