Gernot Krobath
27/07/2007, 14:00
Parallel Talk
Many models of physics beyond the standard model are based on extended gauge symmetries and predict the
existence of new heavy particles, often at the TeV scale. Such particles include heavy W and Z bosons, doubly
charged higgses, heavy majorana neutrinos, leptoquarks and heavy fermions. The discovery potential of the ATLAS
experiment, which will start taking data at the LHC in 2007,...
Juergen Reuter
(University of Freiburg)
27/07/2007, 14:20
Parallel Talk
We propose a means to discriminate between the two basic variants of Little Higgs
models, the Product Group and Simple Group models, at the next generation of
colliders. It relies on a special coupling of light pseudoscalar particles present in
Little Higgs models, the pseudo-axions, to the Z and the Higgs boson, which is
present only in Simple Group models. We discuss the collider...
Bjoern Duling
(Technische Universität München, Physikdepartment)
27/07/2007, 14:40
Parallel Talk
Little Higgs models offer an alternative way to the solution of the little hierarchy problem. Particularly interesting is the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity (LHT). We first briefly review earlier LHT calculations of flavour violation in the quark sector. The talk's main attention is paid to the analysis of the impact of the additional particles introduced in the framework of the LHT on a...
Hill Richard
27/07/2007, 15:00
Parallel Talk
Topological interactions will generally occur in composite Higgs or Little Higgs theories, extra-dimensional
gauge theories in which A_5 plays the role of a Higgs boson, and amongst the pNGB's of technicolor. This
phenomena arises from the chiral and anomaly structure of the underlying UV completion theory, and/or
through chiral delocalization in higher dimensions. These effects are...
Dong-Won Jung
(Korea Institute of Advanced Study ( KIAS))
27/07/2007, 15:20
Parallel Talk
We implement a one-loop analysis of the $\rho$ parameter in the
Left Right Twin Higgs model, including the logarithmically
enhanced contributions from both fermion and scalar loops.
Numerical results show that the one-loop contributions are
dominant over the tree level corrections in most regions of
parameter space. The experimentally allowed values of
$\rho$-parameter divide the allowed...
Adam Falkowski
27/07/2007, 15:40
Parallel Talk
I will discuss models of electroweak symmetry breaking with the higgs field embedded
in a 5D gauge field. I will concentrate on the relation between the 5D geometry and
various phenomenological aspects of the model: 1) Electroweak precision observables,
2) Strong WW scattering, 3) Fine-tuning of electroweak breaking.