Maurizio Pierini
31/07/2007, 16:30
Flavor Physics
Parallel Talk
Using the Unitarity Triangle analysis, generalized to account the
presence of physics beyond the Standard Model, we discuss the current
model-independent bounds on New Physics contributions to K-Kbar, D-Dbar and
Bq-Bqbar (q=d,s) mixing processes. This information is then translated into a
lower limit on the probed scale of New Physics. We consider several
scenarios, such as a New...
James Walder
(Lancaster University)
31/07/2007, 16:50
Flavor Physics
Parallel Talk
We present measurements of the three Bs mixing parameters: the mass and
width difference between the heavy and light mass eigenstates, Delta M_s and
Delta Gamma_s respectively, and the CP violating phase difference between
Delta M_s and Delta Gamma_s, phi_s. The results are based on a large data
set of proton-antiproton collisions recorded by the Dzero detector operating at
Thomas Kuhr
(Institut fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik)
31/07/2007, 17:10
Flavor Physics
Parallel Talk
We report on the progress of the analysis of $B0_s \to J/\psi \phi$
decays to extract the parameters $\Delta \Gamma_s / \Gamma_s$ and $\sin 2
\beta_s$ with the CDF\,II detector. The
use of a time-dependent angular analysis can separate the $CP$~eigenstates
of the $B0_s$~meson to determine their separate lifetimes. Further
tagging of the $B0_s$ meson at time $t=0$ as $B0_s$ or...
Antonio Policicchio
(Universita degli Studi della Calabria)
31/07/2007, 17:30
Flavor Physics
Parallel Talk
The LHC experiments will perform sensitive tests of physics phenomena beyond
the Standard Model (BSM). Investigation of decays of beauty hadrons
represents an alternative approach in addition to direct BSM searches. The
ATLAS and CMS efforts concentrate on those B decays that can be selected
already at the first and second trigger levels. The most favorable trigger
signature will be...
Johan Blouw
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik (MPI))
31/07/2007, 17:50
Flavor Physics
Parallel Talk
The LHCb experiment will search for New Physics in Bs mixing, notably through the measurement of the Bs mixing phase from the time-dependent CP asymmetry in exclusive Bs decays governed by the b ->ccbar s quark-level transition. Large New Physics effects can be discovered or excluded with the data collected during the very first physics run of LHC. The latest expectations, based on MC ...
Maurizio Pierini
31/07/2007, 18:10
Flavor Physics
Parallel Talk
Conceptual designs for very high luminosity asymmetric energy e+e- flavor factories
have been advanced by a group centered at KEK (Super KEKB) and by an international
collaboration sponsored by INFN Italy (SuperB). These facilities would provide up to
a factor of 100 larger data samples than available from the current round of B
Factories at SLAC and KEK. The primary physics motivation for...