Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

18–19 May 2017
University of Michigan
America/Detroit timezone

Brain-Life: Engaging neuroscience workforce in big data and reproducible research.

18 May 2017, 16:30
North Quad room 2435 (University of Michigan)

North Quad room 2435

University of Michigan

School of Information 105 S. State St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Presentation Science Use-Cases Science Use Cases


Prof. Franco Pestili (Indiana University)


Neuroscience is engaging at the forefront of science by dissolving disciplinary boundaries and promoting transdisciplinary research. This is a process that, in principle, can facilitate discovery by convergent efforts from theoretical, experimental and cognitive neuroscience, as well as computer science and engineering. To assure the success of this process the current lack of established mechanisms to guarantee reproducibility of scientific results must be overcome. Promoting open software and data sharing has become paramount to address reproducibility. This project addresses challenges to neuroscience reproducibility by providing integrative mechanisms for publishing data, and algorithms while embedding them with compute resources to impact multiple scientific communities.

Primary author

Prof. Franco Pestili (Indiana University)

Presentation materials