Symposium of the Center for Network and Storage Enabled Collaborative Computational Science
North Quad room 2435
University of Michigan
The Center for Network and Storage Enabled Collaborative Computational Science is hosting a symposium at the University of Michigan on May 18 and 19, exploring the themes the Center was founded on. The Center seeks to address the challenges of extracting scientific results collaboratively from large, distributed or diverse data.
Venue: School of Information, North Quad room 2435 105 S. State St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
The Challenge: Many scientific disciplines are rapidly increasing the size, variety and complexity of data they must work with. As the data grows, scientists are challenged to manage, share and analyze that data and become diverted from a focus on their scientific research to data-access and data-management concerns. Even more problematic is determining how to support many scientists sharing and accessing this ever increasing amount of data.
The Center is working to respond to those challenges broadly. Included in the Center is the NSF-funded OSiRIS project, a collaborative, multi-university venture led by MICDE faculty, and hosted by ARC-TS.
The following questions illustrate some of the focus areas the Center is seeking to address:
- What are the best practices for collaboratively working on large, potentially diverse or distributed, datasets?
- What tools, technologies and techniques are most effective at addressing the challenges faced by such researchers?
- How should data best be stored, organized, indexed and made accessible to improve the ability of scientists to jointly work with one another, especially across the dimensions of time and space?
This symposium is intended to bring together those interested in these questions to share experiences and best practices, and to discuss both challenges and possible solutions that enable scientists to work together on “big, distributed or diverse data”.
Speakers will come from a wide range of research domains, as well as federal funding agencies:
- Amy Friedlander, Deputy Division Director, Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (CISE/ACI), National Science Foundation.
- Richard Carlson, Program Officer, Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR), Department of Energy
- Nina Silverberg, Program Director, Alzheimer's Disease Centers program, Division of Neuroscience, National Institutes of Health
- Chris Hill, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Franco Pestilli, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University
- Sara Aton, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan
- Brian Arbic, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan
- Karthik Duraisamy, Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
- Cindy Chestek, Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan
We are looking forward to a rich program of presentations and discussions and hope you are able to participate.
- Alan Rask
- Alauddin Ahmed
- Ali Mazeh
- Amanda Deacon
- Amy Friedlander
- Annette Ostling
- Anthony Kremin
- Avisek Das
- Benjeman Meekhof
- Bikash Kanungo
- Bob Sabourin
- Bobbie Wu
- Brian Arbic
- Brian Demczyk
- Brock Palen
- Carl Simon Adorf
- Cathy Curley
- Charlene Tao
- Chris Hill
- Chrono Nu
- Colleen McCormick
- Cynthia Chestek
- Dan Meisler
- Daniel Kessler
- Daoheng Niu
- Dave Daniszewski
- DePriest Dockins
- Efren Cruz
- Elizabeth Wagner
- Emily Hector
- Eric Lakin
- Eric Michielssen
- Eunshin Byon
- Evangeline Spindler
- Faye Ogasawara
- Gabriele Carcassi
- galina grom
- Haiyin Liu
- Hiroko Dodge
- Ian Stakenvicius
- Jake LaRosa
- James Koopman
- Jamie Estill
- Jay Lang
- Jeffrey Sica
- Jichao Li
- Jill Davidson
- Jim Bujaki
- Jim Kenyon
- John Simpkins
- Jon Ravelo
- JP Eldous
- Karthik Duraisamy
- Katarina Thomas
- Keila Walton
- Kelli Trosvig
- Krishna Garikipati
- Kristin Kovarik
- Kui-Bin Im
- Manish Verma
- Mariana Carrasco-Teja
- Matt McLean
- Matt Wojick
- Michael Ausilio
- Mingyang Hei
- Nina Silverberg
- Pengyuan Xiu
- Ping Hou
- Rafael Meza
- rex lau
- Richard Carlson
- Richard Gonzalez
- Robert Krasny
- Roman Gayduk
- Roy Chartier
- Sam Savant
- Sara Aton
- Saul Youssef
- Sharon Broude Geva
- Shawn McKee
- Sherry Sparks
- Soichi Hayashi
- T. Charles Yun
- Thomas Murphy
- Todd Raeker
- Vineet Raichur