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HEPiX Benchmarking Working Group

31/S-023 (CERN)



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Manfred Alef (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Domenico Giordano (CERN), Michele Michelotto

Meeting Date: 21/4/2017
Attendees:  D. Abdurachmanov, M. Alef,  L. Atzori, S. Baymani, A. Brosa,  J. Flix, A. Forti, D. Giordano, D. Lange, A. McNab, M. Michelotto,  M. Reis, A. Sciaba

1) News (from Domenico) 

         - no comments

2) Containers in Atlas (from Lukas)

  • Benchmarking is a use-case for container adoption
    • Provide reproducible, interactive development environments for personal development / software tutorials 
  • Images can have different sizes
    • if cvmfs is already mounted on the host, the size of the image is rather small 2-3 GB
    • otherwise it can be as large as 10 GB, it includes all LCG libraries
    • sqlite condition file is another cause of large sizes.
      • D.G. comment: the condition data needed for the KV (particle gun) should be rather small (to be checked with the Atlas condition team)
    • image available lukasheinrich/athena_trfsbase 
  • Checkpoints are under study to further speed up the execution, having snapshotted the initialisation step
    • Possibly ready for ACAT
    • Prototype available for tests
  • Athena 21.x comes with open source licence


  • Actions 
    • For Domenico: to try the Lukas' recipe to run KV with the usual athena version 17.x

3) Sandboxing CMSSW (from David)

  • Attached documentation shows how docker images were created and used
    • indeed this work done in the context of OpenLab was eventually not much used
  • David prefers to use directly tools like proot and care ( )
    • see David documentation at
    • sqlite file of conditions is big: 10 GB and is one of the contributors of the big size of the image. 
      • reason why adoption of squid caches is preferred.
      • NB: this implies a configuration at server level (as in the case of cvmfs) that not necessary is available for servers in internal networks in the commissioning phase.
      • To be checked with 


  • Actions:
    • For David: to circulate a recipe to run a cmssw GEN-SIM workload (ttbar?), with the minimum amount of dependencies 
      • as a first step, still consider cvmfs as available.   
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:10
      News 10m
      Speakers: Domenico Giordano (CERN), Manfred Alef (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Michele Michelotto

      Feedback from last GDB:

      • Presentation of the WG activity at the last GDB was well perceived. 
      • Further discussion at the WLCG Workshop in Manchester 

      Upcoming events and contributions from our WG:

      • HEPiX Spring 2017 Workshop, 24-28 April 2017, Budapest (Hungary)
        • Contributions:
          • Updates from HEPiX Benchmarking Working Group; D. Giordano (via Vidyo, Wed 26/4 16:15 - 16:40)

          • Understanding the performance of benchmark applications; L.Atzori (Wed 26/4 17:30 - 17:55)

          • Understanding performance: optimisation activities in WLCG; A.Sciaba' et al. (Thu 27/4 12:05 - 12:30)

      • WLCG Workshop 2017

        • 19-22 June 2017 University of Manchester



    • 14:10 14:30
      How CPU benchmarking can profit from containers - The ATLAS use case 20m
      Speaker: Lukas Alexander Heinrich (New York University (US))
    • 14:30 14:50
      Sandboxing CMSSW for Isolated Execution (no internet connectivity) 20m
      Speaker: David Abdurachmanov (University of Nebraska-Lincoln (US))