11–15 Dec 2017
Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla, India
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Interplay of underlying event and event shape observables in Z-boson events

13 Dec 2017, 15:50
Conference Hall (Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla, India)

Conference Hall

Hotel Peterhoff, Shimla, India


Deepak Kar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))


Experimental measurement of observables sensitive to underlying event (UE) has been performed by both ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC. However, in the busy LHC environment, these observables receive substantial contribution from extra jets. In this study, we probe if using event shape observables in conjunction with UE observables can help us to disentangle the effect of UE from extra jets.

Primary authors

Deepak Kar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)) Mr Dimbiniaina Soanasolo Rafanoharana (AIMS/Wits)

Presentation materials