Studies of diffractive events at H1 and ZEUS detectors at HERA are presented.
These studies include: Production of exclusive dijets in diffractive deep
inelastic scattering (DIS); Exclusive ρ 0 meson photoproduction with a leading
neutron; Measurement of D ∗ meson production in diffractive deep inelastic
scattering; Diffractive photoproduction of isolated photons; Measurement of
the cross-sections and their ratios for electroproduction of ψ(2S) and J/ψ(1S).
The data used for first three studies are taken from HERA-II, however those
used for last two are taken from both HERA-I and HERA-II running periods. The
overall kinematic range covered with these measurements is 2<Q 2 <180
GeV 2 (photon virtuality) for diffractive DIS and Q 2 ̴<1 GeV 2 for diffractive
photoproduction. The total energy of the photon proton system (W) covered in
the presented studies extends from 30 GeV to 250 GeV and with an electron-
proton centre of mass energy, s= √319 GeV. The results are compared to
predictions from models based on different assumptions about the nature of
the diffractive exchange.