MyCERN scoping sub-WG meeting #3

4/R-050 (CERN)



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  • Derek Mathieson
  • Doris Chromek-Burckhart
  • Thomas Baron
  • Communication hub
    • 3 tasks are identified which are not part of the push notifications project (at least in its initial version) and should be part of the myCERN detailed study
      • Add the possibility to tag messages for the service manager and subscribe to messages for users (this type of subscription is orthogonal to the channel subscription). The tasks are
        • From the use cases, define a list of common tags which could be useful for all CERN services (limit it to a usable level of ~100)
        • Work on the usability of such an option from the service and user perspectives
      • Study the option to implement a hierarchy of channels, which would for example allow to create common subscriptions for whole branches.
        • [the notification service has the concept of channel custom attributes which could - partially - play this role]
      • Add the possibility to search the content of messages.
    • The service will contain private information, and Derek highlights the fact that under the future DPP this means its backups will need to be physically destroyed
  • Information hub
    • It is agreed that the whole corpus of documents to be presented through myCERN will need to be migrated to a new system that will implement the following features:
      • Tagging of articles
      • Versioning of articles
      • Edition of articles
      • Publishing of articles
      • Creation of articles
    • In particular the tagging of articles will be a fundamental aspect of the success of the semantic search and ranking engine.
    • An ontology of CERN tags should be created (which may be the same as the one defined for the communication hub)
    • The implementation of a semantic search and a ranking engine that would take into account some personal data and preferences would avoid the creation of an expert system which would currently be hazardous as it rather belongs to the domain of research.
    • The myCERN "suggested for you" box could present the first results of an empty search.
      • Derek mentions possible legal implications, that he will check with the legal service [Derek]
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