6–7 May 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Welcome to CERN to take part in the Swiss Famelab masterclass!

CERN's main site is in Switzerland, near the Meyrin village, in the outskirts of Geneva and a few meters from the French border. Please visit this page for directions. Tram 18 stops in front of the CERN Reception, close to the main gate (Entrance B) that you will have to use on Saturday 6 May. 

The CERN site is actually a large domain and, although it is indicated on the sign posting, it will not be obvious for you to find the Main Building. The app "MAP CERN" (freely available for iPhones and Androids) can be a valuable help. Alternatively, visit this site to find your way in or have a look at this simplified map


Programme of the Masterclass

You can find a detailed programme here (also available from the menu). Please note that the dinner in the CERN Restaurant and the overnight stay in the CERN hostel (single rooms with bathroom) are offered by the organizers.



This year's trainer is Quentin Cooper. FInd out more about Quentin here.


61/1-009 - Room C
CERN Main Building
Go to map

Please think of registering your laptop or smartphone to get wireless access at CERN by clicking here. The service is free and the number of devices you can register is unlimited. Please select Antonella Del Rosso as your contact person.