We analyse the prospects for observing the charged CP-even Higgs boson ($H^{\pm}$) in their decays to flavour violating $b\bar{c}$ channels (including charge conjugation) at the proposed Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC), with $\sqrt{s}\approx 1.3 TeV$, the framework of a Two Higgs doublet Model Type III (2HDM-III), assuming a four-zero texture in the Yukawa matrices and a General Higgs potential. We consider theoretically consistent scenarios in agreement with current experimental data from flavour and Higgs physics. We investigate the charged current production process $ep\rightarrow \nu_{e} H^{\pm}q$ in presence of flavour violating decays of the charged Higgs boson, that leads to a $3-jets + \slashed{E}_{T}$ signature. We demand two jets, one tagged b-jet and one light-flavour jet, all in central rapidity region. The remaining jet (originated by the remnant quark $q$ is tagged forward or backward regions and this together with a central jet veto (not more that one light flavour jet) are essential criteria to enhance the signal-to-background rates. We consider the most relevant standard model (SM) backgrounds, treating $c-jets$ separately from light-flavour and gluon ones.