Searching for new physics after the first two years of LHC Run II
Cosener's House
The 7th NExT Ph.D. Workshop will be held at the Cosener's House, Abingdon, 26-29 June 2017. It will be devoted to searches of New Physics in light of the first two years of LHC RUN II.
Dark Matter at Colliders, Geneviève Bélanger (Annecy, LAPTH)
Future of Particle Cosmology after LHC RUN II, Hooman Davoudiasl (Brookhaven)
Neutrino Physics, Sergio Palomares-Ruiz (IFIC, Valencia)
Dark Matter Searches, Björn Penning (Bristol)
The workshop is anticipated to feature in addition sessions on careers advice, public engagement, and employer engagement.
The workshop is open to NExT Institute staff members, PDRAs and students, any member of the five constituent nodes and all PhD students in the UK.
Topics: BSM Physics, Neutrino physics, Particle Cosmology, Collider physics
Organisers: Elena Accomando, Miguel Crispim Romao, Pasquale Di Bari, David Miller, Stefano Moretti
Alba Leticia Carrillo Monteverde
Alexander Belyaev
Augustinas Malinauskas
Azaria Coupe
Bjoern Penning
Daniel Hatton
Daniel Locke
David Miller
Dermot O'Brien
Donatas Ramilas Zaripovas
Edward James Thorpe
Elena Accomando
Elena Perdomo
Hooman Davoudiasl
Jack Setford
James Richings
Jesus Cruz Rojas
Jonathan Manuel
Kareem Farrag
Marco Chianese
Matthew Kellett
Miguel Crispim Romao
Olivier Lennon
Pasquale Di Bari
Sam Jones
Sam Rowley
Sandra Kvedaraite
Sebastian Rosado Navarro
Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
Simon King
Sonali Mohapatra
Stefano Moretti
Tom Steudtner