Workshop "Nuclear, Particle physics and Cosmology"

Department of Physics, University of Oslo, DFDS boat Oslo-Copenhagen-Oslo 16-18.05.2017

Department of Physics, University of Oslo, DFDS boat Oslo-Copenhagen-Oslo 16-18.05.2017

Sem Sælandsvei 24, Blindern, N-0371, Oslo
Larisa Bravina (University of Oslo (NO))

The workshop is held within the International School "Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Cosmology and Dark Matter, Cancer Therapy".  It will take place on  DFDS boat "Pearl Seaways" between 16 - 18.05.2017 and will be preceded by Introductory Lectures on 15.05 at UiO. It will consist of plenary talks, a short (10-15 minutes) contribution of students and Poster session. The best student presentation will be awarded. In Copenhagen a public lecture will be given at Niels Bohr Institute. 


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