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CERN openlab Open Day

Thursday 21 September 2017 - 09:00
CERN (503/1-001)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Sept 2017
09:00 Welcome address - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:05 CERN openlab's Phase V Highlights and Achievements - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:35 Supporting Science beyond high-energy physics - Fons Rademakers (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Whitepaper - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 10:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
09:50 Whitepaper: Launch - Maria Girone (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:30 Whitepaper; Q & A session - Andrew Robert Purcell (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
10:45 --- Networking coffee in exhibition area ---
11:15 Education (Training the next generation of researchers and ICT specialists - Mr Dimitrios Christidis (University of Patras (GR)) Kristina Gunne (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Lightning talks - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 12:00) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:30 Lightning talk: IDT RapidIO for Data Acquisition - Sima Baymani (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:35 Lightning talk: Intel High-Throughput Computing Collaboration (Platform) - Luca Atzori (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:40 Lightning talk: Intel High-Throughput Computing Collaboration (Silicon) - Sebastien Valat (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:45 Lightning talk: Brocade Flow Optimizer - Adam Lukasz Krajewski (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:50 Lightning talk: Comtrade Software EOS Productisation - Xavier Espinal Curull (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
11:55 Lightning talk: REST services, Javascript, and JVM performance with Oracle - Luis Rodriguez Fernandez (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
12:00 --- Networking lunch in exhibition area ---
Partner presentations - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN) (until 14:20) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
13:00 Siemens enables Digitalization: Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence - Mikhail Roshchin   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
13:10 DB Selection Process for WinCC OA NextGen Archiver - Ewald Sperrer   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
13:20 Intel Strategy on IA : Improving CERN Deep Learning workflows and models using Intel Optimized Solutions - Vilen Jumutcs   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
13:40 Next generation database clouds - Challenges & Solutions of running high available Oracle Databases in the cloud - Sebastian Solbach (Oracle)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
13:50 Technologies for Big Data and Graph Analytics at Oracle Labs - Davide Bartolini (Oracle)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:00 Huawei: Intelligent Cloud Operations - Jorge Cardoso (Huawei)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Lightning talks - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 14:45) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:20 Lightning talk: Rackspace Containers at Scale - Spyridon Trigazis (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:25 Lightning talk: Oracle Cloud - Katarzyna Maria Dziedziniewicz-Wojcik (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:30 Lightning talk: WebLogic On Kubernetes - Antonio Nappi (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:35 Lightning talk: Huawei OpenStack Clouds - Tim Bell (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:40 Lightning talk: GeantV (Intel Code Modernisation) - Andrei Gheata (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
Alumni - Andrew Robert Purcell (CERN) (until 15:10) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:45 Alumni: Introduction - Andrew Robert Purcell (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
14:50 Alumni: CERN openlab: my transition from science to business - Maaike Limper   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:10 --- Networking coffee in exhibition area ---
Lightning talks (until 16:10) (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:40 Lightning talk: Siemens Industrial Control and Monitoring - Fernando Varela Rodriguez (CERN) Filippo Maria Tilaro (CERN) Brad Schofield (CERN) Piotr Jan Seweryn (Cracow University of Technology (PL)) Jakub Guzik (CERN) Piotr Golonka (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:45 Lightning talk: BioDynaMo - Lukas Breitwieser (openlab)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:50 Lightning talk: GeneROOT - Taghi Aliyev (Universiteit Maastricht (NL))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
15:55 Lightning talk: Oracle Analytics-as-a-Service - Manuel Martin Marquez (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:00 Lightning talk: Yandex Data Popularity and Anomaly Detection at LHCb - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:05 Lighning talk: Intel Big Data Analytics - Vaggelis Motesnitsalis (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:10 Keynote talk: Harnessing digital disruption: "Open Innovation 2.0" - the new mode of digital innovation - Martin Curley   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
16:55 Wrap up - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (503/1-001 - Council Chamber)
17:00 --- Networking cocktail ---