- Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany)
- Lars Rickard Strom (CERN)
- Esteban Fullana Torregrosa (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
- Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany)
- Lars Rickard Strom (CERN)
- Esteban Fullana Torregrosa (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
Prospects for measuring top FCNC decays at 380 GeV were studied with the full simulation samples including signal sample generated with the WHIZARD implementation of the 2HDM(III) model and the standard six-fermion event samples used for top pair production studies. Analysis was divided into three steps: event classification, kinematic reconstruction based on signal or background hypothesis...
In the Standard Model, FCNC top decays, are very strongly suppressed. Observing such a decay would be a direct signature of physics beyond the SM as large enhancements are possible in many "new physics" scenarios. A full simulation study for CLIC at 380 GeV based on a WHIZARD simulation of FCNC top decay t -> c gamma within the 2HDM(III) model is performed. An update on this analysis...
The CLIC sensitivity to the QED process ee->gamma gamma
at 3 TeV is studied using SiD geometry model.
The estimated precision on total and differential
cross-sections is converted into the exclusion limits
on various New Physics models, including finite electron size,
extra dimensions, contact interactions, excited electrons.
Sensitivity studies of the BSM Hidden Valley particles have been performed for the e+e- collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of 3 TeV in the CLIC detector,
corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2 ab-1. Hidden Valley particles may be stable, providing dark matter candidates and missing energy signals,
but others may decay into neutral combinations of Standard Model particles. Since...
The precision on the top Yuakwa coupling is measured in the e+e -->t ̄tH process at sqrt(s) = 1.4 TeV using Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). The analysis focuses on the 6 jets and 8 jets final states channels using particle flow technique. Leptons are identified first follow by clustering the remaining particles into jets and removing the beam jets. Particles that are not identified as leptons...
15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion
In this contribution we outline the path towards studying top quark properties at the multi-TeV collisions of the CLIC physics programme. We discuss the jet reconstruction performance utilising a fat-jet approach and subsequent methods to identify the underlying top sub-structure in boosted topologies. We present results on the cross-section and forward-backward asymmetry as well as an...
I will present an update of the study of the top mass measurement and other top properties in a threshold scan, now using the luminosity spectrum of the new CLIC baseline machine. The optimisation of the machine for 380 GeV instead of 500 GeV leads to increased beamstrahlung when operated in the top threshold region, which may result in a degradation of the sensitivity of a threshold scan. The...
8 minutes presentation + 2 minutes discussion