Experimental angular distributions for the $^{7}$Li + $^{120}$Sn elastic and inelastic (projectile and target excitations) scattering, and for the neutron stripping reaction, have been obtained at $E_{{\rm LAB}}=$ 20, 22, 24 and 26 MeV, covering an energy range around the Coulomb barrier ($V_{B}^{{\rm(LAB)}}\approx21.4$ MeV). Coupled channel and coupled reaction channel calculations were performed and both describe satisfactorily the experimental data sets. The $\frac{1}{2}^{-}$ state $^{7}$Li inelastic excitation (using a rotational model), as well as the projectile coupling to the continuum ($\alpha$ plus a tritium particle) play a fundamental role on the proper description of elastic, inelastic and transfer channels. Couplings to the one-neutron stripping channel do not significantly affect the theoretical elastic scattering angular distributions. The spectroscopic amplitudes of the transfer channel were obtained through a shell model calculation. The theoretical angular distributions for the one-neutron stripping reaction agreed with the experimental data.