23–27 Oct 2017
Havana, Cuba
America/Havana timezone

Microscopic description of low-lying properties in $^{168-178}$Yb nuclei by the pseudo-SU(3) shell model

23 Oct 2017, 15:25
Room "Benigno Souza"

Room "Benigno Souza"

Parallel Talk Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions and Exotic Nuclei Parallel Sessions - NUC


Dr Carlos Ernesto Vargas Madrazo (Facultad de Física, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.)


The rare-earth nuclei have well-known collective properties. The theoretical description of these nuclei represents a challenge to nuclear models, due to the enormous dimensions of the valence space, making the problem unmanageable. This leads us to use symmetry-based models, where it is possible to calculate in a free-truncation environment. In this work we present results for the energy spectrum and the electromagnetic properties in even-even Yb isotopes using the pseudo-SU(3) shell model. The model considers a Nilsson Hamiltonian that additionally includes the quadrupole-quadrupole and pairing interactions, systematically parameterized. The results show that the model considered is a powerful theoretical tool, allowing us to describe the normal parity sector of deformed rare earth nuclei.

Primary authors

Dr Carlos Ernesto Vargas Madrazo (Facultad de Física, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.) Dr Joel Mendoza Temis (Facultad de Física, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.) Dr Víctor Velázquez-Aguilar (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico.)

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