The objective of the present study was to evaluate the distribution and accumulation of some heavy metals in surface sediments from the Mamposton reservoir (Mayabeque province, Cuba) and its main tributaries (Ganuza and Mamposton rivers and Pedroso dam). Furthermore, it was of great interest to assess their potential risk with regard to human health. Concentrations of Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb were determined by X-ray Fluorescence Analysis in samples collected in dry and rainy seasons. The results show a significant difference in metal contents in each season. Determined values corresponding to the contamination factor and modified degree of contamination indicate a very low to high degree of contamination effects for the studied sediments. The comparison with sediment quality guidelines reveals that the average concentration of Cu, Zn and Pb in Ganuza river sediments is higher than the established Threshold Effect Levels (TEL) [1]. On the other hand, the Ni content exceeds the established Probable Effect Levels (PEL) [1] in almost every studied location. Based on PEL-Q calculations [2] for Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb, the samples classify as sediments with a medium-low level of contamination in all the studied stations, except for one in the Ganuza River, which classifies as medium-high level of contamination.
1. Long ER, MacDonald DD. Human Ecological Risk Assessment. 1998; 4:1019–1039.
2. McCready S, Birch GF, Long ER. Environment International, 2006; 32(4):455-465.