「Anomalies in b to sll and its implications」研究会

小柴ホール (東京大学本郷)

小柴ホール (東京大学本郷)


Bファクトリー物理勉強会と新学術領域研究 (領域番号:2803)
 ~LHCによる真空と時空構造の解明~ 」との共催の研究会

    • 1
      Opening address
      Speaker: Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo (JP))
    • 2
      Introduction, results from LHCb
      Speaker: Karim Trabelsi (KEK)
    • 3
      Results from Belle and prospect in Belle II
      Speaker: Akimasa Ishikawa (Tohoku University (JP))
    • 4
      Theoretical overview and Global fit
      Speaker: Satoshi Mishima (KEK)
    • 12:20
    • 5
      New physics interpretation of the b to s ll anomalies
      Speaker: Yuji Omura (KMI, Nagoya University)
    • 6
      New physics models for B -> K(K*) l+ l- anomalies and implications at the LHC and other experiments
      Speaker: Takaaki Nomura (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
    • 7
      Discussions and summary
      Speaker: Motoi Endo (KEK)