1. Basic ROOT/c++
ROOT is a common data analysis framework in high energy physics. It is important for proponents to use common language for communication as a teamwork.
This workshop does not teach how to install ROOT and how to use it. Participants should have basic knowledge of ROOT data analysis framework and c++
The link below will guide you into the introduction of ROOT and basic c++ language.
Students should be ready with this program before the school.
3. Please reading the following 10 analyses and send us (fuks_at_lpthe.jussieu.fr) your top-3 selection on which you would like to work during the workshop:
1 - Long lived particles: CMS EXO-16-022
2 - Mono-Higgs: CMS-EXO-16-012 (arXiv:1703.05236)
3 - γZ production: CMS-EXO-16-021 (arXiv:1610.02960)
4 - Diphotons: CMS-EXO-16-027 (arXiv:1609.02507)
5 - Dilepton + met: CMS-EXO-16-052
6 - Vector-like quarks : ATLAS-EXOT-2016-15 (arXiv:1705.10751)
7 - Monophoton: ATLAS-EXOT-2016-32 (arXiv:1704.03848)
8 - ttZ/ttW in the SM: ATL-PHYS-PUB-2016-005 (arXiv:1609.01599)
9 - stops: CMS-SUS-17-001
10 - Vector-like-quarks (single lepton): ATLAS-CONF-2016-101