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15 June 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Information: the agenda is full and the timetable is being finalized, so there is unfortunately not room for any more contributions.

Results from LHC have shown that the underlying event produced by multi-parton interactions in pp and p-Pb collisions have a much richer structure than previously expected. It exhibits flow like phenomena,such as ridges, and strangeness production increases with the charged particle multiplicity. Many effects are known from large collisional systems where they are understood in terms of Quark-Gluon Plasma properties, but there are many alternative ways to model these effects in small collision system.

How can we pin down the origin of these effects?

The goal of this workshop is:

  • to discuss the latest results and calculations
  • understand what we need to focus on from the sides of theory and experiment next
  • to be inspired by new directions and ideas

To achieve this, the one day workshop will focus on experimental and theoretical summaries in the morning, complemented with individual contributions on new directions and ideas in the afternoon.

Confirmed speakers include:

Leif Lönnblad (Lund University, Sweden)
Peter Skands (Monash University, Australia)
Torbjörn Sjöstrand (Lund University, Sweden)
Antonio Ortiz (ICN-UNAM, Mexico)
Klaus Werner (Nantes University, France)

​VIDYO connection will be available.

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4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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Registration for this event is currently open.