16–18 Oct 2017
America/Chicago timezone

The Les Houches Analysis Description Accord: What it is and Why it Matters

17 Oct 2017, 16:30
One West (WH1W) (Fermilab)

One West (WH1W)


New methods & tools


Harry Prosper (Florida State University (US)) Gokhan Unel (University of California Irvine (US)) Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook National University (KR))


We give a brief update on the proposal for a Les Houches Analysis Description Accord (LHADA), a formalism that is capable of describing the contents of an analysis in a standard and unambiguous way independent of any computing framework. We focus on the experiences of implementing ATLAS and CMS analyses, and on the recent developments in CutLang, an analysis framework that interprets, on the fly, keywords and commands for object selection, reconstruction and histogramming. One goal of LHADA is to speed up the analysis design process by minimizing the time devoted to compilation and programming language related debugging. CutLang can interpret complex logic statements, read and write the analysis description in XML format and also permits the use of user defined types in order to improve human readability of analysis algorithms. The ability to access different input event formats such as those from Delphes, FCC, ATLAS and CMS OpenData should be considered a bonus.

Presentation Remote talk via vidyo

Primary author

Harry Prosper (Florida State University (US))

Presentation materials