Attending: Patricia, Liz, Emil, Ben, Pere, Graeme, Guilio, Michel, David
- Timescale is reasonable, but people do need to find time to write, hopefully together
New things added to the scope:
- Validation
- Can vary experiment to experiment
- There is scope for common tools in this area
- Machine learning (anomaly detection is potentially interesting)
- Statistics of validation histograms are important
- Interaction with deployment and operations
- Document the most popular solutions, but stay generic
- Licensing (take ownership of that here)
Document Discussion
- Make software more modular? Brings problems of assembly and combinatorics.
- Industry is in much more control of the stack than "we" are
- Is it possible to put everything into the one repository? Probably not a good solution.
- Are our big products usable in all cases?
- Two challenges, at least
- Integrate the work of others in a particular experiment
- Consistent and reproducible stack
- Integrate the work of dispersed development communities even within an experiment
- How can we actually monitor our performance and measure the success in meeting challenges?
- Patricia is concerned that without this we write a lot of empty words...
- Should strive to identify areas where HEP needs to do work
- Integrating with non-HEP software is a challenge
- We are not trying to address the whole of data preservation, but in so far as one can write code that's more future proofed we should say something
- How to move away from software components that reached their end of life? Internal and external.
Suggestion (Pere) to rework the document in terms of challenges and solutions. May bring more cohernece to the chapter.
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