20–25 May 2018
University of Oregon
US/Pacific timezone

The ATLAS Electron and Photon Trigger

23 May 2018, 08:30
Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union (University of Oregon)

Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union

University of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon USA


Samuel David Jones (University of Sussex (GB))


ATLAS electron and photon triggers covering transverse energies from 5 GeV to
several TeV are essential to record signals for a wide variety of physics:
from Standard Model processes to searches for new phenomena. To cope with
ever-increasing luminosity and more challenging pile-up conditions at a centre-of-mass
energy of 13 TeV, the trigger selections need to be optimized to
control the rates and keep efficiencies high. The ATLAS electron and photon
trigger performance in Run 2 will be presented, including both the role of the ATLAS
calorimeter in electron and photon identification and details of new
techniques developed to maintain high performance even in high pile-up

Primary topic Front-end readout and trigger


Mark Stockton (University of Oregon (US))

Presentation materials