20–25 May 2018
University of Oregon
US/Pacific timezone

An Ensemble of Neural Networks for Online Electron Filtering at the ATLAS Experiment.

23 May 2018, 09:20
Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union (University of Oregon)

Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union

University of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon USA


Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto (Federal University of of Rio de Janeiro (BR))


In 2017 the ATLAS experiment implemented an ensemble of neural networks
(NeuralRinger algorithm) dedicated to improving the performance of
filtering events containing electrons in the high-input rate online
environment of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva. The ensemble
employs a concept of calorimetry rings. The training procedure and final
structure of the ensemble are used to minimize fluctuations from
detector response, according to the particle energy and position of
incidence. A detailed study was carried out to assess profile
distortions in crucial offline quantities through the usage of
statistical tests and residual analysis. These details and the online
performance of this algorithm during the 2017 data-taking will be

Primary topic Front-end readout and trigger


Mark Stockton (University of Oregon (US))

Presentation materials