8:00 AM
Dark Matter a critical review (Theory)
Marcela Carena
8:35 AM
Dark Matter and Higgs physics
Ian Moss
9:10 AM
Direct DM searches status and prospects
Alexander Belyaev
(University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
9:45 AM
Indirect DM Searches status and prospects
Eric Charles
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
10:50 AM
DM searches at ATLAS status and prospects
Mario Martinez Perez
11:25 AM
DM searches at CMS status and prospects
Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos
12:00 PM
CMS Searches for Dark Matter with Heavy Quarks or Jets
Tommaso Dorigo
2:00 PM
Unravelling the mystery of dark mater annual modulation
Davide d’Angelo
2:35 PM
Most recent results from XENON1T dark matter detector
Marcello Messina
3:10 PM
The DM puzzle: Are WIMPS still alive ?
Gilles Gerbier
4:25 PM
Round table: Dark matter or something else?
Moderated by Gilles Gerbier and Kazuhiko Hara