Lighting of the Lamp by Chief Guest, Dr Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, Vice Chancellor, Kathmandu University
Chairperson of the Local Organizing Committee, SAHEPI and Assistant Dean of the School of Science at Kathmandu University
Overview of activities in physics collaborations and experiments, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics collaborations and experiments, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics collaborations and experiments, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics collaborations and experiments, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics in Afghanistan, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics in Afghanistan, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics collaborations and experiments, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
Overview of activities in physics collaborations and experiments, particularly high energy, followed by Q&A (5')
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee