The SwissFEL hard X-ray FEL is a new photon science user facility at PSI presently under commissioning. Key goals are the delivery of intense and coherent X-ray pulses with femtosecond scale duration in the wavelength range of 0.1-5 nm for the photon-science user community. The main building blocks of SwissFEL are a low emittance electron injector, a 6 GeV normal conducting linac operating at C-band frequency with two bunch compressor chicanes, and two FEL lines feeding several experimental stations. The whole facility is housed in a 740 m building located in a forest nearby the PSI site. Construction and installation took place from 2013-16.
The talk reviews the design and main components of SwissFEL and reports the present status of commissioning.
Coffee / tea will be served after the seminar in room 30/7-012 next to the Auditorium
H. Burkhardt (BE), M. Modena (TE), T. Stora (EN)