Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

29–30 Jun 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone


The ATLAS photography workshop will be led by photographer Juliana Socher (see portfolio).

The workshop will focus on lightning techniques, storytelling and image analysis. It will provide attendees with technical and artistic guidance to improve their photographic work and will enable them to take inspiring, interesting and meaningful photographs for public outreach purposes.

The workshop is split over two days, and will include a theoretical and a practical part ("Learn your camera" and "Practice in the Field" sessions). 

This workshop is flexible, as participants can choose to attend either morning or afternoon sessions. Register now to join!


Topics to be covered by the workshop:

- camera basics, know your camera
- handling different light situations
- visual storytelling
- analysis of the resulting images
- basic retouching tricks
- photography walk: practicing "in the field"

Participants should bring their camera with them to the workshops. Expensive, DSLR cameras are not required - but bring the best camera you have!


A Photography Competition will follow this workshop! This will be open to everyone at CERN, and Juliana Socher will be on a panel of judges for the winners. More details to follow.

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Registration for this event is currently open.