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Fiducial/STXS subgroup meeting

4/3-001 (CERN)



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- Please keep announcing the meeting on the full WG2 mailing list

STXS Bin definitions:

- ATLAS stage-1 bin merging:
   -> So far ATLAS merging bins with >~80% correlation, some question on whether correlations are well-reproduced.
   -> Will try to push a bit more in the future, if numerical problems don't show up.
   -> Useful to check model interpretions both in context of covariance matrices and with full-workspace implementations, to see if the former agrees well.

- ggF/bbH : fully merge or keep bbH separated within the ggF categorization ? Up to experiments...

- Low-pT bin:
   -> Problem of compatibility with the jet binning, difficult to control theory uncertainties.
   -> Differential pT distributions in 4l/2γ would be more sensitive anyway; however hard to combine this with other measurements....
   -> Could split 0-jet into <>10 or 15 GeV.
   -> Some discussion about "touching" also 1-jet bin (as 1-jet events with jet out of acceptance contribute to 0-jet bin).

- Boosted ggF and ttH:
   -> ggF bin boundary at 500 GeV to be adjusted to value where experiments starts their analyses - expect this value to be similar between ATLAS & CMS 
       (currently 450 GeV is where the CMS analysis starts, need to check where ATLAS will be sensitive). However sensitivity starts at ~600 GeV.
   -> The exact ttH bin boundary need still to be understood (not clear if 200 GeV is the best choice).

STXS VBF/VH uncertainties

- How to choose between options 1 and 2 ?
   -> Option 1 for VH, option 2 for VBF ?
   -> Option 1 better for the case where we know well the inclusive XS, option 2 better when we know better a specific region (e.g. high-mjj VBF)
   -> For VBF, option 1 would make the uncertainty much larger

- Discussion with A Karlsberg (related to the uncertainty correlations in mjj, and weather we should go with option 1 or 2 for VBF]:
   -> What is needed from theorists ? e.g. know how correlated are uncertainties across mjj. First -- correlated or uncorrelated across for high/low mjj ?
   -> First guess: should be highly correlated across mjj (A Karlsberg).
   -> Delta_hard: anything not related to Sudakov, so not universal across VH/VBF.

- Need to interact with the VBF and VH experts for feedback on proposal and conclusions...

Presentation of results:

- How do deal with non-Gaussian behavior ?
   -> Need to check how much non-Gaussian effects actually affect the interpretations.
       Helpful to try out some interpretation exercises, comparing cov matrix with full workspace.
   -> Should still follow up on "simplified likelihoods" to parameterize non-Gaussian effects directly

- Timescale for tools e.g. for kappa framework ? next 3-4 months, to match release of Stage-1 results.

- Report all (prod,decay) STXS (30*5), or just STXS + BR ratios (30+5)?
  The latter is more compact, but more correlated and probably less Gaussian...


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:10
      Introduction 10m
      Speakers: Frank Tackmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Nicolas Berger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Predrag Milenovic (CERN)
    • 14:25 14:45
      Updates on STXS bin definitions, uncertainties for VBF and VH bins 20m
      Speaker: Frank Tackmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 15:25 15:45
      Schemes for reporting experimental results 20m
      Speaker: Kerstin Tackmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))