13–19 May 2018
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
The organisers warmly thank all participants for such a lively QM2018! See you in China in 2019!

Results on femtoscopy from hydrodinamics in pp collisions at $\sqrt{{s}}$ = 7 TeV

15 May 2018, 17:00
2h 40m
First floor and third floor (Palazzo del Casinò)

First floor and third floor

Palazzo del Casinò

Poster Correlations and fluctuations Poster Session


Dener De Souza Lemos (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))


The hydrodynamical model has a long history in high-energy physics,
being an essential tool for describing the collective behaviour of
the matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and
LHC. Recently, experimental results have shown evidence of a similar
collective behavior in small systems (pp and pPb collisions).

Bose-Einstein correlation or femtoscopy, are a powerful probe of the
space-time geometry of the particle emitting source. In this work,
a study of such correlations is perform using the hydrodynamical model
in 2+1 dimensions. Both the ideal and the viscous (shear and bulk)
fluid cases are considered. An equation of state inspired in lattice
QCD results, with a crossover phase transition between the quark-gluon
plasma and the hadronic phase, is employed. The results are compared
with experimental data on pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV.

Content type Theory
Centralised submission by Collaboration Presenter name already specified


Dener De Souza Lemos (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))


Dr Otavio Socolowski Jr. (FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande) Sandra Padula (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))

Presentation materials