Electroweak bosons produced in heavy ion collisions are excellent tools to probe a variety of initial state effects on hard processes involving nuclei. They are expected to be unmodified by final state hot nuclear matter effects while being sensitive to the initial state nuclear modification of the partonic momentum structure and the energy loss of the incoming partons participating in a hard scattering. Thus, these probes are important for serving as a standard candle against which to compare the production of strongly interacting particles, such as hadron and jet production, which are sensitive to both the initial and final state. This poster presents a new measurement of prompt photon production in the recently collected high-statistics 8.16 TeV $p$+Pb collision data. Photon yields are reported over a broad kinematic range, $25 < p_\mathrm{T}^{\gamma} < 500$ GeV and $\left|\eta^\mathrm{lab}\right|<2.37$, and the production rates are compared to an extrapolated $pp$ reference based on existing $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV $pp$ collision data. The measured spectra and nuclear modification factors are compared to theoretical calculations of initial state energy loss as well as the expectations from nuclear parton distribution functions.
Content type | Experiment |
Collaboration | ATLAS |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |