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13–19 May 2018
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
The organisers warmly thank all participants for such a lively QM2018! See you in China in 2019!

Open bottom hadron physics program at sPHENIX

15 May 2018, 17:00
2h 40m
First floor and third floor (Palazzo del Casinò)

First floor and third floor

Palazzo del Casinò

Poster Future facilities, upgrades and instrumentation Poster Session


Xin Dong (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)


Recent data from RHIC and LHC show that $R_{AA}$ and $v_{2}$ of charm hadrons are very similar to that of light and strange hadrons. At the same time, the $R_{AA}$ of bottom decay daughters at low $p_{T}$ seems to be less suppressed compared to light and charm hadrons, suggesting a mass suppression hierarchy. Precision open bottom measurements over a broad momentum range are needed for detail understanding of parton energy loss mechanisms and to characterize the transport properties of the strongly-coupled QGP medium.

sPHENIX is a planned next generation high-rate jet, Upsilon and open heavy-flavor detector at RHIC. A fast MAPS-based silicon vertex detector (MVTX) is proposed to greatly enhance the heavy flavor detection capabilities of sPHENIX. In this poster, we will present physics simulation studies on the open bottom measurements within the full sPHENIX tracking environment including the MVTX detector. Open bottom reconstruction has been explored via the inclusive non-prompt $D^0$ daughters and the full exclusive reconstruction of $B^+\rightarrow \bar{D}^0+\pi^+$. Statistical projections for nuclear modification factor and elliptic flow measurements will be presented.

Content type Experiment
Collaboration sPHENIX
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