The ALICE experiment studies Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC in order to investigate the properties of the hot and dense QCD matter at extreme energy densities. Heavy quarks are sensitive probes to test the medium properties, since they are formed at a shorter time scale with respect to the deconfined state. In particular, the elliptic flow parameter $v_2$ of D mesons is sensitive to the degree of thermalization of charm quarks within the QGP medium and, at high-$p_{\rm T}$, to the path-length dependence of parton energy loss. In addition, the role of recombination mechanisms can be studied by comparing the D mesons with and without strange-quark content.
The elliptic flow of the ${\rm D}^0$, ${\rm D}^+$, ${\rm D}^{*+}$ mesons reconstructed in their hadronic decay channels in the central rapidity region in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV will be presented in the centrality classes 10-30% and 30-50%. The first ALICE measurement of the ${\rm D_s}$ $v_2$ in semi-central collisions will be also presented. The D meson $v_2$ in the 30-50% centrality class will be compared to model calculations to constrain the values of the heavy quarks diffusion coefficients at the critical temperature $T_{\rm c}$.
Content type | Experiment |
Collaboration | ALICE |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |