The collisions of heavy ions at ultrarelativistic energies provide an excellent
way to study the phase transition from hadronic matter to a deconfined state
of quarks and gluons, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The ALICE (A Large
Ion Collider Experiment) detector at the LHC is designed for the study of the
QGP properties. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty), having a large mass, are
produced in the initial stages of the collision in hard parton scatterings. Hence,
they experience the whole evolution of the hot and dense medium, representing
an important tool for its characterization.
The study of angular correlations between D mesons and charged particles
in different collision systems provides information about the possible medium-
induced modification of charm quark fragmentation into jets. In pp collisions,
this measurement allows the study of the production mechanisms, fragmentation
and hadronization of charm quarks. In addition, it acts as a reference for p-Pb
and Pb-Pb systems.
In this poster, the measurement of azimuthal correlations
between D mesons(D$^{0}$ , D$^{+}$ , D$^{∗+}$ ) and charged particles in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV will be
presented. The D mesons are reconstructed via their hadronic decay channels at
midrapidity ($|y| < 0.5$) in the transverse momentum range $3 \leq p_{T} \leq 16$ GeV/$c$
and correlated to charged particles with $p_{T }> 0.3$ GeV/$c$ with pseudorapidity
$|\eta| < 0.8$. The results are compared with expectations of simulations performed
with different event generators.
Content type | Experiment |
Collaboration | ALICE |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |