The unique feature of future CBM experiment at FAIR and NA61/SHINE experiment beyond 2020 at CERN SPS are their high-rate capabilities that makes these experiments sensitive to the extremely rare probes. The Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) is the forward hadron calorimeter to be used in these both fixed target experiments to measure the event centrality and reaction plane orientation in heavy-ion collisions. The PSD at the CBM is designed for the beam energy range of 4-10 AGeV and rates up to 10 MHz, whereas the PSD at the NA61 beyond 2020 would operate in the beam energy range of 20-150A GeV and rates up to 5x10$^4$ Hz.
In this poster we will present the status of the development of the PSD for both, CBM and NA61 beyond 2020 experiments. Both detectors have similar design, modular transverse structure and longitudinal segmentation. Each module has 5.6 hadron interaction lengths and transverse size of 200x200 $mm^2$. The module consist of 60 lead/scintillator sandwiches with the sampling ratio 4:1. Light from each scintillator plate in module is collected by WLS fibers. Six consecutive scintillator plates are read out by one photodetector, 3x3 $mm^2$ Hamamatsu MPPC placed at the end of the module.
Recently, for the first time, the PSD supermodule (3x3 array of 9 modules) was studied at CERN test beams with protons and pions in the energy range of 2-10 GeV. Preliminary results of the energy resolution, linearity of response and longitudinal profile of hadron showers will be presented. These results are undoubtedly important also for the development of forward hadron calorimeters for MPD/NICA and BM@N experiments in Dubna.
Content type | Experiment |
Collaboration | CBM and NA61/SHINE |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |