A new sine observable, , has been proposed [1] to measure the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) in heavy ion collisions, where is the difference between positive and negative charges ( is the particle azimuth) and is the ratio of the out-of-plane to in-plane distributions. Studies with A Multi-Phase Transport (AMPT) and Anomalous Viscous Fluid Dynamics (AVFD) models show concave R() distributions for CME signals and convex ones for typical resonance backgrounds [1]. A recent hydrodynamic study, however, indicates concave shapes for backgrounds as well [2]. Preliminary STAR data, on the other hand, reveal concave distributions in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions.
To better understand these results, we present a systematic study of the and dependences of resonance backgrounds by toy-model simulations, based on the toy model used in our previous study [3]. The resonance introduces different numbers of decay pairs in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. The resonance affects the opening angle of the decay pair. Low resonances decay into large opening-angle pairs, and result in more ``back-to-back'' pairs out-of-plane because of the more in-plane resonances, mimicking a CME charge separation signal perpendicular to the reaction plane, or a concave . High resonances, on the other hand, decay into small opening-angle pairs, and result in a background behavior of convex . With this toy-model insight, we further investigate the responses of the observable to AMPT backgrounds and AVFD CME signals,and the possible implications of the preliminary STAR data.
[1] N. Magdy, S. Shi, J. Liao, N. Ajitanand and R. A. Lacey, arXiv:1710.01717
[2] P. Bozek, arXiv:1711.02563
[3] F. Wang, J. Zhao, Phys. Rev. C95, 051901 (R) (2017)