There are at least three sources of cosmic quarks in the universe. One, the quark
nuggets which may survive beyond a certain baryon number during the phase
transition from quarks to hadrons microseconds after the big bang. These quark
nuggets can very well be candidate of cold dark matter and these nuggets consist of
strange quarks.
Second, the interior of the neutron star may well be made of quarks due to very
very high pressure. It is further shown that the interior of heavy neutron star,
recently discovered ≈ 2M⊙, with an appropriate equation of state, can also be made
of quark core.
Finally, using the property of colour entanglement among quarks it is entirely
possible to have free orphan quarks roaming around in the cosmos. Some better
understanding of dark energy and dark matter is possible with these entangled
orphan quarks.
Content type | Theory |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |