The density distributions of large nuclei are typically modeled with a Woods-Saxon distribution characterized by a radius $R_{0}$ and skin depth $a$. Deformation parameters $\beta$ are then introduced to describe non-spherical nuclei using an expansion in spherical harmonics $R_{0}(1+\beta_2Y^0_2+\beta_4Y^0_4)$. But when a nucleus is non-spherical, the $R_{0}$ and $a$ inferred from electron scattering experiments that integrate over all nuclear orientations cannot be used directly as the parameters in the Woods-Saxon distribution. In addition, the $\beta_2$ values typically derived from the reduced electric quadrupole transition probability B(E2)$\uparrow$ are not directly related to the ones used in the spherical harmonic expansion.
In this talk, I present a method to calculate the $R_0$, $a$, and $\beta_2$ values that when used in a Woods-Saxon distribution, will give results consistent with electron scattering data, and then tabulate such parameters for nuclear species recently used in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, including U, Xe, Ru and Zr. The calculations of the second and third harmonic participant eccentricity ($\varepsilon$) with the new and old parameters are also presented and compared. It is demonstrated that $\varepsilon$ is sensitive to $a$, therefore, using the incorrect parameters has important implications for the extraction of viscosity to entropy ratio ($\eta/s$) from the QGP.
Content type | Theory |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |