New theoretical developments: I
- Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)
New theoretical developments: II
- Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Anomalous hydrodynamics is a low-energy effective theory that captures anomaly-induced transport such as the chiral magnetic effect. Although there are several derivations of anomalous hydrodynamic equation from microscopic quantum theory, it has been unclear how we can derive it based on the operator formalism of quantum theory. In this study, we derive anomalous hydrodynamic equation based...
The tremendous success of hydrodynamics in describing the Quark-Gluon Plasma poses many challenges to our understanding of collective phenomena in interacting systems out of equilibrium. Recently the concept of hydrodynamic attractors, which generalize the gradient expansion beyond local thermal equilibrium, has been put forward. In this talk we will present the first analysis of this...
Bjorken and Gubser flow profiles are well known analytic solutions for relativistic Navier-Stokes equations. Recently several attempts have been made to obtain analytic solutions for relativistic second-order dissipative hydrodynamic equations with Bjorken and Gubser flow. We obtain general analytical solutions, for these flow profiles, up to third-order viscous hydrodynamic equations for a...
Anisotropic hydrodynamics improves upon standard dissipative fluid dynamics by treating certain large dissipative corrections non-perturbatively. Relativistic heavy-ion collisions feature two such large dissipative effects: (i) Strongly anisotropic expansion generates a large shear stress component which manifests itself in very different longitudinal and transverse pressures, especially at...
A modern approach to obtaining the equations of motion of dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics relies on various approximations of the relativistic Boltzmann equation. There is a mounting evidence that the standard Chapman-Enskog expansion of the Boltzmann equation has a vanishing radius of convergence. The method of moments, on the other hand, is free from such problems. The equations thus...
Hydrodynamic fluctuations are found to be important in many situations such as cosmology, condensed matter system and heavy-ion collisions. Recently, an effective field theory for fluctuating dissipative hydrodynamics has been developed in 1511.03646 and 1701.07817. We apply this theory to investigate non-trivial consequence hydrodynamic fluctuations on the Bjorken expanding quark gluon...
Deep learning is one of the machine learning technologies developed in computer science. Recently, it has been implemented to various research areas in physics, including search of gravitational lens [1], identifying and classifying the phases of Ising model [2], the search of Higgs and exotic particles [3], classification jet structure [4], etc. In this talk, we will implement deep learning...
The real-time dissociation of the heavy quarkonium in a strongly coupled boost-invariant non-Abelian plasma relaxing towards equilibrium is analyzed in a holographic framework. The effects driving the plasma out of equilibrium are described by boundary quenching, impulsive variations of the boundary metric. Quarkonium is represented by a classical string with endpoints kept close to the...
We describe a new approach to particle production in high energy hadronic/nuclear collisions which aims to unify the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) formalism at low x (low pt) with that of pQCD and collinear factorization formalism at intermediate to large x (high pt) and therefore generalizes the CGC formalism to include high pt physics. To this end we consider scattering of a quark from high x...
The cross-sections and substructure of jets in eA reactions in a
future electron-ion collider (EIC) are expected to be modified
compared to the vacuum. At leading order in the strong
coupling, a jet produced at an EIC is initiated as an energetic
quark, and its substructure arises from its splitting into a quark-
gluon system. The spectrum of gluons within this quark jet is then