30 October 2017 to 1 November 2017
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone


No Registration Fee - Please complete the registration form for site access purposes.

Please use the following Google form to register directly


If you have any issue with accessing this web site, please contact the workshop organizers or copy and answer the following questions and send back to LBonifacio@lbl.gov

  • Email address:
  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Institution:
  • Citizenship:
  • Arrival Date (for Lab Site Access purposes only):
  • Will you be attending the Banquet on Monday, October 30th, 6:00pm (Yes/No)*?: 
  • Do you need a parking permit (Yes/No)**?:
  • Do you need an Invitation Letter for Visa purposes (Yes/No)?:
  • Additional information you want us to know?

* Banquet dinner will be $50 per person, and fees will be collected in CASH onsite

** Parking onsite is very limited due to many ongoing construction, so riding the LBNL shuttle is highly encouraged. If you answer No, an LBNL Shuttle pass will be emailed to you automatically.