Puebla de los Angeles, World Heritage City, an authentic museum of the very essence of Mexico. Puebla is located 132 km. to the east from Mexico city. Here women dressed for the first time the costume of the Chinese poblana (China Poblana), today national symbol. Here lived Catherine of San Juan. Here the mole poblano, the chiles en nogada and the candies, that are standard of the Mexican gastronomy, were cooked. And here the battle of the 5 of May of 1862 was fought.
Under the protection of three volcanoes, between the mythical Tenochtitlan - now Mexico City - and Veracruz, this New-Spain city flourished for centuries. The rich facades covered by Talavera, its temples, its convents, its archives or its magnificent Palafoxian Library speak of its wealth. Today Puebla continues to be a cultural center of reference in Mexico.
The Zócalo (main square), presided over by the imposing Cathedral, has always been the heart of this quiet city. And the cafes and restaurants under the portals, the meeting place. From here the visitor strolls and discovers houses with dolls and alpine, extraordinary works of Talavera, baroque chapels covered with gold, a bohemian Barrio de los Artistas, a street full of Sweets and the most inspired cuisines of Mexico. Because Puebla walks, admires and savored.
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