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ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking Event 2017

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Archana Sharma (CERN), Beate Heinemann (UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)), Christoph Rembser (CERN), Connie Potter (CERN), Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus (CERN), Laure Esteveny (CERN), Marco Marquard (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE)), Matthew John Charles (LPNHE Paris, CNRS/IN2P3 UPMC and UPD), Panja Luukka (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Paolo Giacomelli (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)), Rachel Bray (CERN), Sebastian Bott (CERN), Silvia Borghi (University of Manchester (GB))

You are invited to register for this year's networking event for current postdocs and graduate students of the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb collaborations to meet alumni of the LHC experiments. This event offers an insight into career opportunities outside of academia. Various former members of the LHC collaborations will give presentations and be part of a panel discussion and elaborate on their experience in companies in a diverse range of fields (industry, finance, IT,...). There will be opportunities to ask questions during the panel discussion, the break and after the event. Refreshments and light snacks will be served. The event is supported by the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Collaborations as well as the CERN Alumni Programme. Attendance is limited with priority given to ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb members. Registration is obligatory and a fee of 10 CHF must be paid in advance. Information on payment methods can be found in the Payment box on the home page. Note: A live webcast which will not be recorded is available. This web cast is only accessible with a valid CERN account. PLACES ARE LIMITED AND A FEE OF 10 CHF PER PERSON WILL BE CHARGED,  payable IN ADVANCE

Organisation : Connie Potter
Career Networking Event 2017
There is a live webcast for this event