29–31 Jan 2018
AGH Computer Science Building D-17
Europe/Zurich timezone

PowerFolder Open Cloud Mesh API (v0.0.3) integration

31 Jan 2018, 09:20
AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH WIET, Department of Computer Science, Building D-17, Street Kawiory 21, Krakow


Jan Wiegmann


Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) is a joint international initiative under the umbrella of the GÉANT Association that is built on the open Federated Cloud Sharing application programming interface (API). Taking Universal File Access beyond the borders of individual clouds and into a globally interconnected mesh of research clouds without sacrificing any of the advantages in privacy, control and security an on-premises cloud provides. OCM defines a vendor-neutral, common file access layer across an organization and/or across globally interconnected organizations, regardless of the user data locations and choice of clouds.
The concept of the OCM integration within PowerFolder aims to combine installed Cloud Services on several locations to seamlessly share and sync files between end-users of those services.

In this context, we will present how the OCM standard (defined at https://rawgit.com/GEANT/OCM-API/v1/docs.html) has been integrated into the PowerFolder server application and how the corresponding OCM API endpoints are requested. PowerFolder has also made some individual adaptations to the OCM API endpoints in order to enable concepts that were previously not dealt with, such as the transfer of permissions between two or more services, discovering accounts in an federated network and building trust relationships between different locations.

The initiative presented here also has the following aims:

  • Requesting OCM v0.0.3 endpoints in PowerFolder.
  • Sharing permissions with OCM v0.0.3.
  • Building mutual trust relationships between services: Request
  • Account discovery between services: Federated login.
  • The pf_classic protocol as an alternative to WebDAV within the OCM

The presentation of these concepts is intended to advance the further development and finalization of the OCM standard.


Presentation materials