29–31 Jan 2018
AGH Computer Science Building D-17
Europe/Zurich timezone

Distributed, cross-datacenter replicated relational database and file storage at ownCloud

29 Jan 2018, 15:00
AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH Computer Science Building D-17

AGH WIET, Department of Computer Science, Building D-17, Street Kawiory 21, Krakow
Presentation Synchronization/Sharing Technology & Research Technology: deployment, testing and optimization


Mr Piotr Mrówczyński (ownCloud GmbH, CERN, KTH Stockholm, TU Berlin)


There is growing interest for self-hosted, scalable, fully controlled and secure file sync and share solutions among enterprises. The ownCloud has found its share as free-to-use, open-source solution, which can scale on-premise from a single commodity class server to a cluster of enterprise class machines, and serve from one to thousands of users and PB of data. Over the years, it has grown a user base of over 10 million community members and users, with over 400 enterprise customers in 2017. To address challenges of globally distributed offices, companies are looking for solutions which could address the issues imposed by single datacenter architectures. In this contribution, I will address the above challanges with cross-datacenter replicated architecture. Remote client after authentication can contact any from multi-region servers. These in turn delegate some of the responsibilities to external services as log warehouse service, user/group management service, and globally replicated storage and relational SQL database. This allows to not only mitigate the latency-to-file, but also provide very good data availability and load balancing properties. Additionally, the architecture provides very high data protection against disasters, partially allowing instant disaster-recovery. In the contribution I will look into existing solutions as CockroachDB and IBM Spectrum Scale.


Mr Piotr Mrówczyński (ownCloud GmbH, CERN, KTH Stockholm, TU Berlin) Jörn Dreyer (ownCloud GmbH) Thomas Müller (ownCloud GmbH)

Presentation materials