Cubbit is a hybrid cloud infrastructure comprised of a network of p2p-interacting IoT devices (swarm) coordinated by a central optimization server. The storage architecture is designed to reverse the traditional paradigm of cloud storage from "one data center to rule them all" to "a small device in everyone’s house".
Any IoT device that supports an Unix-based OS can join the swarm and share its storage space. Coordinated by our optimization server, the peers communicate via peer-to-peer data channels, collectively virtualizing an object-storage service over the swarm.
Through the employment of error-correcting-code algorithms and network monitoring, Cubbit achieves uptime and transfer performances comparable to traditional client-server solutions, while at the same time operating at significantly-reduced managing costs and environmental impact. The result is a crowd-hosted and self-sustained data center built over its very own final users, who can access cloud storage in exchange of local, unreliable physical storage.
In this talk we will present the general infrastructure of Cubbit and its main functionalities, with a particular focus on environmental sustainability, security, and retrievability of stored data on the distributed network.