21–23 Mar 2018
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Conformally Coupled General Relativity

23 Mar 2018, 09:50
University of Southampton

University of Southampton

University of Southampton, Murray Lecture Theatre, Highfield Campus, Southampton, England SO17 1BJ


Mr Boris Latosh (University of Sussex)


Gravity model developed in the series of papers Grav.Cosmol. 15 (2009) 199-212; Phys.Lett. B691 (2010) 230-233; Gen.Rel.Grav. 44 (2012) 2745-2783 is revisited. Model is based on Ogievetsky theorem that specifies structure of general coordinate transformation group. The theorem is implemented in the context of Noether theorem with the use of nonlinear representation technique. Quantization is performed with the use of reparametrization-invariant time and ADM foliation techniques. Basic quantum features of the models are discussed.

Primary authors

Prof. Andrej Arbuzov (Bogoliubov Laboratory for Theoretical Physics, JINR) Mr Boris Latosh (University of Sussex)

Presentation materials