Each year, three different subareas are chosen. A 'main speaker' for
each subarea introduces the underlying physics from the basics to the
currently active research front in three lectures. From the
pool of invited doctoral students and postdocs the 'seminar chairs'
together with the main speakers organize a series of seminars in which
progress on active research is reported. For each subarea also a
'libero', usually a senior member of the community, is invited to
enrich the subject. In addition, a few seniors are invited as
specialist for one of the three areas.
Every main speaker will have 3 times 75 minutes for his presentations
(discussions included). In addition, the main speakers and seminar
chairs will each organize 2 hours of seminar time for presentations by
participants on a relevant topic. Liberos will have 75 minutes to talk
and are not bound to one of the main topics.
All participants are invited by the organizing committee, keeping in
mind a good regional balance as well as insuring participation of
roughly equal numbers of participants for each area. Students and
postdocs interested in giving talks in the seminar series are
requested to inform the appropriate main speaker or seminar chair as
soon as possible. At the end of the workshop the three seminar chairs
will present short 30-minute summary presentations with high-lights of
the seminars.
From the format outlined above it is clear that each of the main
speakers as well as the seminar speakers will talk to an audience where
2/3 of the participants are not experts in their field and all talks
have to be prepared accordingly. Since the
field of nuclear science has grown substantially over the years, this
is of premium importance for the field, but also makes for a very
attractive meeting for all involved.
The German Government (BMBF Verbundforschung), GSI and the town of Schleching
are financially supporting this event. Following the rules applicable,
we can reimburse the travel costs for all participants not being
employed at Max-Planck-Institutes or Helmholtz-Centers.